OK, this week marks a new beginning. I am back to work, now with a child at home. How long will that take to get used to? Mary Beth will be easing into staying at home with Clark until she goes back to work part time, at which time we will again be forced to revise our living patterns.
I have been out of my reflective and thinking modes over the past two weeks dealing with our new familial addition, but I am easing back into things. At church we have some big youth ministry events upcoming: Super Bowl party and Winterfest. These two things are some of the highlights of the year for our program. I am getting excited for each. We've got a leadership retreat coming up this weekend that will hopefully be spiritually moving and personally convicting. Our church has major decisions ahead and we are approaching them with faith and prayer - though we could no doubt have more faith and pray harder. Sounds like good resolutions to me: 2005 - the year of increasing faith and praying harder.
On the academic front, two things of note. I have begun sinking my teeth into Robert Webber's The Young Evangelicals. A very interesting study of the emerging group of evangelical leaders (or post-evangelical leaders) who are emerging across the framework of Christianity in this country. The more I read about them, the more I believe that I am one. Also, I got word about a very prevocative book that would be worth anyone's time. Jim Wallis has just released a book entitled God's Politics, regarding the current obssession with "Values" in this country. I plan to get it today, should be interesting. Don't take my word for it, the book is currently #2 on Amazon.com's top seller's list. You can get the book there for about 16 bucks. Check it out.
As the week unfolds, I should be cruising on in my pursuit of theology and culture. How can I do better job of sharing the loving story of Jesus Christ with those around me? I am on an evergrowing journey to do that better.
Feel free to leave your comments at any place. Peace to you as we engage the new year.
April 8, 2025 Symposium on Churches of Christ
Topic: The Struggle for the Soul of Churches of Christ (1889-1929)
Participants: Steven Wolfgang, John Mark Hicks, Edward J. Robinson, Shelley
Jacobs, Bobb...
1 week ago
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