Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Hotel Rwanda

I finished The Radical Reformission, and the final chapter was helpful, insightful, etc. But what we watched on television last night was lifechanging.

You need to see this movie. If you have already, then you probably agree. If you haven't, trust me, go rent it tonight. The fact that I know little about the country of Rwanda (I couldn't point it out on a map even now) reinforces the point that it drives home so poignantly. The West doesn't give a rip about the third world, most specifically Africa. There is a great exchange between Paul, the hotel manager, and the chief officer of the U.N. stationed at the hotel. When reinforcement troops arrive and it looks like they will all be safe, the dark reality of the world is shown. The troops had come to take all the white Europeans out, but their orders were to leave the Africans behind . . . women, children, it didn't matter. The officer sits down with Paul and tells him, "You should spit in my face." Paul didn't understand. The officer explains. "You're dirt. You're nothing. That's what they believe. You're black. You're not even a nigger. You're an African." And then Paul realizes what so many of us turn a blind eye to - the West does not care about Africa. It's plagues . . . it's economy . . . it's AIDS . . . it's debt . . . we just turn a blind eye to it. I go back to my initial comment. I don't even know where Rwanda is. I was 15 when the genocide was occurring, old enough to be aware, but I just remember the name. I am just another arrogant, self-centered American.

I wonder why we're so quick to nuke Iraq, but stay at a distance in countries like Rwanda? The same freaking thing is happening right now in the Sudan. That doesn't make the news too often. We're too busy spending our 80 billion dollar budget in Iraq and Afghanistan. These are incredibly complex issues, there are no easy answers. To sit here and criticize and critique hardly solves the problem. My perspective comes from a Christian perspective. Shouldn't we care more about the world? Shouldn't we pray for them . . . often, daily? Shouldn't that help our perspective a little?

I think it ironic that I put this post following yesterday's thoughts about alcohol. To drink or not to drink is a question that idealogues have the leisure to discuss in the midst of peaceful times. Others in the world are too worried about survival. You reall need to see this movie. It can serve as a bit of a gut check for us, remind us of our priorities and what really matters in this world. On the dvd there is an incredible documentary where they take the real Paul back to the country that almost killed him after 6 years. It is moving as the camera takes the audience to a place where 45,000 people were massacred. Sad. Moving. Troubling. Humbling.

I've written alot, but there really aren't alot of words that can summarize the film. You just should watch it. Experience it. Brian McLarent had an interesting article about the story saying that it was more impactful and meaningful for/to Christians than last year's The Passion. I bet a lot of people will find that hard to believe. I think I agree. Check out the article:


May the Father of Peace bring peace.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Hey adam,
You've gone crazy on this site- lots of cute pictures of clark!!
Anyway just wanted to say that we watched that movie in history class last week. It's one of those movies that makes you think, and appreciate the life that we live. There were so many people killed with nobody to help them,it was a massacre. And it took place not to long ago. It's a really sad movie, but i think it is something that people should see. Anyway see you later adam.