Monday, November 28, 2005

Turds and Turkey

Our interesting Thanksgiving Day has come and gone. We spent the long weekend in Defiance. Thursday, however, Mary Beth and I both spent in bed as we both picked up a stomach virus/flu. The best day of the year to eat, and we spent our time on the toilet. It was rough. Fortunately it only lasted about 18 hours. By Friday we were up and at 'em. We visited Sister in Toledo Friday night. Got to see a little white Thanksgiving. That was fun. Had about an inch of snow. It was 70 today. A new record. Go figure. I guess our cars really are taking a toll on the old ozone. Mary Beth and I took today off to be together. Yeah, we just had the holiday, but we really needed some RNR to get through the upcoming holidays. Days off are few and far between.

I labor on in my reading. I am disappointed with the quanity of books I have read this year. I don't know . . . I guess having a baby around the house has a way of doing that. I see that picking up soon. I hope to finish the book Creating A Come as you are Culture soon. It is one of the better books I have read lately. I would highly recommend it for a small group discussion group, especially among church leaders. I hope to be through it in a week or two. I have several on the burner waiting for me to finish here, so we'll see what I decide on next. I have been itching to read some Old Testament theology (yuck, I know I have problems). I have added several of those books to my wish list. We'll see if I can chomp into one of those soon. I hope al had a good holiday. Now enjoy the Christmas time of year. Remembering the reason for the season (to sound all Hallmark) really enlivens me for the Christmas season.

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