Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Well . . . I have a new favorite team to never root for, never wish anything good to happen, and generally despise in odious fervor . . . stupid Florida . . . gross . . . I especially like the way that their two wins over Ohio State have reignited the Civil War for so many SEC fans . . . stupid school . . . *&$%@#$ $#*^@ . . . that's all I'll say about that . . .

A disgruntled, but proud (and still true) fan!

Other exciting things:

* I have the task of drafting an Easter sermon for this Sunday. I'll post the script here soon.

* I got a sweet deal at the Cokesbury Press store down here in Columbus. It is always a highlight when they do their bag sale. I got 35 books for $15 - how sweet is that? Here's some of the highlights from the sale:
* The Reluctant Parting: How the New Testament's Jewish Writers Created a Jewish Book by Julie Galambush
* Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers by Christian Smith
* Millenials Rising: The Next Great Generation by Neil Howe and William Strauss
* Ethics by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
* Deep Religious Pluralism edited by David Ray Griffin
* Many Members yet One Body: Committed Same-Gender Relationships and the Mission of the Church by Graig L. Nessan
* How to Think Theologically by Howard W. Stone & James O. Duke
* And, perhaps the most bizarre find: Finding God in the Singing River: Christianity, Spirit, Nature by Mark I. Wallace

The bag sale makes my day a little brighter. I have plenty in the hopper going on . . . hopefully I'll have time to comment later.

1 comment:

Stoned-Campbell Disciple said...

Ethics is of course a 20th century classic.

How to Think Theologically by Duke and Stone is sort of a misnomer for restorationists ... but good book. Read it several years ago in a grad class.

The Reluctant Parting is a needed book. The church was and is Jewish. Didn't agree with all her interps but I was challenged.

So I hear that Wade Tannehill is headed your way. He is a great guy. He, Batman and Gumby are the three Amigos. I see you are into Superman ... Me, well, I always was into Spiderman and Wolverine.

Stoned-Campbell has many nuances. Not quite pot ... but the rationalist side of our movement needed a little "Stone" to loosen them up. I have great respect for both ... but you have to smile a litte. Wait till you see the moniker.

Bobby Valentine